Our association has accepted the appeal of a group of local farmers for the promotion and enhancement of ancient and traditional crops. The idea of promoting biodiversity protection has thrilled us and has been intertwined with our deep conviction in favor of social agriculture. We purchased a greenhouse and we set it up in the space of our garden, available to those who want a public space for reproducing plants, imagining that it gradually becomes a shared space, where migrants and “natives” can meet and do something together. Let’s imagine this place, so “exposed”, visible, as a “frank” place, where people meet to share a project, but also an idea of the world, ecological, sustainable, to protect diversity. The group of people we met, driven by our enthusiasm, is consolidating, structuring itself in association and establishing a relationship with us, even of a formal type. In the coming weeks, further sowing of new vegetables which will then be given away to everyone who requests them.