With the month of September, the L2 Italian courses organized by our Association in Ponte Buriano and in the premises made available by the parish of San Marco alla Sella in Arezzo started at full speed.
The three courses (alpha, level A1 and level A2), organized according to the knowledge levels and needs of the guests welcomed, will guide students through different paths.
Two courses are held in the structure of Ponte Buriano: the first, for the illiterate, involves the construction of foundations for reading/writing. The second, for students of level A1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference), aims to give students the means to be able to express themselves functionally in as many areas of daily life as possible.
The course held in Arezzo is structured around the needs of guests who have already taken Italian courses in the Ponte Buriano facility; this course also includes guests who have just been welcomed (and who therefore have not followed the courses in the first reception structure) but who already have a considerable command of the language and who are therefore able to follow the lessons of the A2 course.