We have welcomed 18 new guests

On Monday 1st October 2018, eighteen new guests were welcomed in our first reception facility in Ponte Buriano, 6 (AR). And this is the first of the news that the Association is experiencing right now.



Another novelty concerns the upper floor of the building where the structure is located: up to now we have rented the ground floor and the first floor; for some weeks we have also taken possession of the second and last floor. In this way, we can operate in a stand-alone structure, well-positioned, with a large garden. The modernization and adaptation works were carried out in record time, thanks to the help of the guests already welcomed into the Association and included for some time in the voluntary work programs.



The eighteen new guests welcomed (16 from Africa and 2 from Asia) were transferred by another managing body. They have been in Italy for several months now; some have already had the opportunity to be interviewed by the Territorial Commission, others are waiting for the date of the interview. As soon as they arrived at our facility, they were interviewed by the staff of the Association in order to trace a personal profile that took into account in detail their legal, health, psychological and Italian level.


Il gruppo di lavoro


In the last period, new people have joined the staff in compliance with the conditions established by the new call. The other big news of this period is in fact the entry into force of the new call for the reception of migrants, on which we will have to write separately; it is a remarkable change, to which we have dedicated a lot of energy and which will absorb many resources.