The reception was the first professional service that the association implemented when it was relaunched. We have taken as reference the OPERATOR MANUAL OF SPRAR SERVICES, model to which the organization of the work has conformed. The elements of originality have been the educational approach through which the relationship with users and the work conceived in multidisciplinary staff is kept dynamic and evolving, which increases effectiveness and protects from emotional overload. The additional innovative element was the use of the Google platform for non-profit for sharing, programming and promptly storing data.
For us, hospitality is a path in progress, which passes through a period of observation and knowledge, of assimilating the rules of coexistence, of focusing on one’s own objectives, and then developing towards the formulation of a personal life project.
People in the first period may not have clear ideas on what awaits them, on forced cohabitation, on the functioning of the system which is also bureaucratic and complex. We try to be present through these phases that can cause hatred, conflict or simply be lost and to provide adequate containment for moments of anxiety or depression. We encourage peer help, as a lever also at the disposal of a pleasant and peaceful coexistence, we support personal autonomy and its strengthening, we try to avoid paternalistic or hyper-protective drifts in our work.
The association is based on a complete, cohesive and coordinated multidisciplinary staff. The professional figures that make it up are:
linguistic mediator
professional educator
community animator
structure manager
language teacher
The staff meets weekly for at least three hours for sharing, support and planning and is regularly supervised by a psychologist / psychotherapist who helps the group to keep the work cohesive, fluid and functional.
– Clothing delivery
– Food delivery
– Delivery of personal cleaning products
– Supply of products for cleaning structures
– Laundry service
The association promotes collaboration between guests in carrying out daily activities. The intervention of the operators is cautious and aimed at the spontaneous and collaborative solution of problems.
Guests are invited to take care of the common areas and find compromises in their management.
Daily activities are conceived as linguistic and generally didactic laboratories, all guests are included in a calendar of shifts for cleaning and managing common areas.
The purchase of food is centralized and takes into account the different dietary needs.
During the first reception, the management of meals is gradually left to the autonomy of the guests, invited to take on the needs of the community. Whenever the mechanism goes into crisis, the operators strengthen their presence, imposing times and ways to then leave space for the group to find its balance.
The association “extensively” interprets its duty to provide renewable goods to guests. There is a formal space where to make requests and where non-urgent needs are welcomed: the Friday meeting and the individual interviews that follow.
The Head of the structure deals with purchases regarding personal cleaning, room hygiene, maintenance of equipment and clothing.
Bed linen and towels are provided by an external service and renewed every 15 days or as needed.
People seeking international protection have specific needs and requirements. Their arrival is almost entirely marked by an exhausting and dehumanizing story. The process for recognizing refugee status is lengthy due to the large number of requests and only a small percentage get it. Asylum seekers therefore find themselves living a long and frustrating wait that will most likely disappoint their expectation. Psychological assistance and the enhancement of the person in this transitional time space is therefore essential, of incredible importance because it lies between overcoming the traumas of uprooting and traveling and the redefinition and recalibration of an individual life project.
The legal process of applicants for international protection is strongly connected with their psychological experience, its phases mark their permanence in the reception project.
This is why we have organized integrated psychological support in its phases. To contain the strong frustration caused by long bureaucratic waits, to enhance the waiting time, to express the tragedies of one’s life story, to face the anxiety of the commission, the disappointment of the denials, the fear of having to face life after being received, these are just some of the points that we constantly face through individual meetings, in small groups, in large groups, through community life and the training and / or animation activities proposed.
The legal assistance of guests is a complex service in that on the one hand it is a question of accompanying the applicant through it, on the other of making him informed, aware and involved in what he is doing.
The status of the undocumented migrant in our country provides, under certain conditions, access to the protection system and therefore to the Reception Centers. The foreign citizen is given the opportunity to justify and argue for his illegal entry into our country.
The initial steps of this path are:
Ͽ the first summary identification on arrival
Fotos the photosignaling and the drafting of the Request for International Protection, once the reception structure has been reached
Ͽ the examination of the request by the Territorial Commission
The most delicate aspect of our work is undoubtedly establishing a relationship of trust with the applicant for international protection such as to positively orient the person in bringing his life history back to the territorial commission that evaluates them, to a principle of truth and consistency without let yourself be influenced by the advice of acquaintances, by the rumors of the corridor, which usually weaken the recognition potential of the same as recognized as not true.
We dedicate a lot of time to the preparation of our guests to support the commission so oriented through group meetings, then individual meetings in the presence of a language mediator.
Any negative opinion of the Territorial Commission can be appealed.
List of the main stages of the legal process of our guests
Ͽ generic legal orientation
Ͽ explanation of the rights and duties of the applicant for international protection and related procedures
Ͽ photos required for international protection
Ͽ provisional residence permit request (at each expiry)
Ͽ tax code
Ͽ registration of the health service (at each deadline)
Ͽ residence
Ͽ identity card
Ͽ employment office registration
Ͽ generic preparation for the commission
Ͽ life story collection
Ͽ accompaniment to the commission
Ͽ withdrawal of commission outcome
Ͽ explanation of the rights and duties of the holder of an international, subsidiary and humanitarian protection permit
Ͽ residence permit request (for permit holders)
Europeo European travel permit (for permit holders)
Ͽ practices resorting to any refusal (lawyer accompaniment and mediation)
Ͽ practices related to legal problems
Ͽ complaints
Ͽ accompaniment by lawyers
Ͽ explanation of the rights and duties of irregular immigrants
The person and his inalienable right to move to improve his living conditions remain at the center of the work of coaching and consulting.
The guests of our facilities all follow a well-defined health procedure that begins at the moment of their arrival and in which they are guaranteed accompaniment and linguistic mediation.
Before entering the reception facilities, migrants arriving in the city are all visited at the city hospital. The hospital releases them after checking that there are no symptoms of any kind that give reason to worry about their health.
Follow the registration to the national health system and the first contact with the general practitioner in which a generic diagnosis path is prescribed.
From this moment the association responds to the guest’s health needs by guiding him, accompanying him and ensuring linguistic mediation in the relationship with the national health system.
The association’s educational team works in synergy with the doctors in any guests’ therapeutic paths, making sure that they understand and that the prescriptions given are followed.
Guests with health problems that make them particularly vulnerable and / or dangerous for themselves and others will be promptly transferred to appropriate facilities.
For each guest, a health diary is drawn up in which performances, diagnoses and therapies are noted.
Linguistic mediation is necessary in every phase of reception but particularly in its most delicate phases. The association takes care of the same in most situations by resorting to the members of the educational staff and the group of associates and makes use of native professional freelance mediators for all formal situations such as legal communications, life history detection, meetings with lawyers or specialist doctors, court hearings.
The linguistic mediation service is however provided whenever the guest requests it or needs it.
Even the training activity goes hand in hand with the reception phases, this is standardized in the first educational plans and personalized in the following. The association provides training directly in the form of workshops. The training activity that issues certifications, on the other hand, is not provided directly by the association which, however, organizes, finances it, provides linguistic mediation and spaces to those who provide it.
Periodically it is proposed:
Bakery and pizzeria workshop
Cooking workshop
Computer literacy
Road safety education
Study group for the achievement of the driving license
gardener training
All the association’s guests are enrolled in the following courses within the first year:
HACCP COURSE Hygiene in the workplace for handling food
SAFETY AT WORK COURSE qualifies gardener
Subsequently, the following courses that issue certification are offered: