BECOME A MEMBER Fill in these fields to become a member of Libera Mente APS. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.The undersigned *Date of Birth *Place of Birth *Address *CAP *Province *Via/Piazza *House №Citizenship * Carta d'Identità № *Mobile *Email *MEMBERSHIP REQUEST *To be admitted as a member of the Libera Mente A.P.S. AssociationSTATUE ACCEPTATION *To have read the Statute and the Regulations of the Association and to accept them and respect them at every point;To be admitted as a member of the Libera Mente A.P.S. Association Furthermore, the undersignedTo consent to the processing of personal data by the Association, pursuant to art. 13 D.lgs. n. 196/2003 and in relation to the information provided. In particular, consent is given for the processing of personal data for the realization of the Association's institutional purposes, to the extent necessary for the fulfillment of obligations provided for by law and statutory regulations.The photograph and / or resumption of the undersigned / minor is authorized, carried out for institutional purposes only, during the activities and / or events organized by the Association.YesNoYou consent to the processing and publication, for institutional purposes only, of videos, photographs and / or images designed to reveal the identity of the undersigned, on the website and in the magazine of the Association and on the notice boards posted on the premises of the it.YesNoBy clicking on the submit button, do you accept that the above information is correct and you accept and consent to the processing of your subscription with the information provided? *SiMessageSubmit By checking this option you declare to accept the Privacy Policy