4th Popular School of Economics
Monday 9 December we welcome the invitation of the Aretine section of Banca Etica members to make a contribution to the annual programming of the Popular School of Economics: this…
Monday 9 December we welcome the invitation of the Aretine section of Banca Etica members to make a contribution to the annual programming of the Popular School of Economics: this…
Sunday, March 24 our garrison against the zombies of speculation and genetic uniformity, launched the first offensive: an army of knowledgeable farmers, assisted by festive volunteers, sowed the vegetable seedlings…
With spring the hour of the diffusion of traditional and ancient seeds begins. We intend to create a biodiversity dispersion center, through which to recover and spread crops set aside…
Urged by a lady fascinated by our project, we started a storytelling laboratory. Four to five guests stimulated by the structure psychologist (already specialized in art therapy), helped by the…
Seven participating associations - Libera Mente, Macondo, Rondine City of Peace, Cric Ponte Buriano, Circolo Monte Sopra Rondine, La Racchetta Civil Protection, Legambiente Arezzo, Pro Loco Pratantico - 3 teams…
Our association has accepted the appeal of a group of local farmers for the promotion and enhancement of ancient and traditional crops. The idea of promoting biodiversity protection has thrilled…
Thursday 31 January 2019 the last lesson of the HACCP course was held. In the previous weeks, the guests of the first reception facility in Ponte Buriano (AR) followed an…
The last lesson of the Occupational Safety course was held on Wednesday 19 December 2018. The guests of the first reception facility in Ponte Buriano (AR) followed an online…
On November 28, 2018, the course for the safe use of chainsaw and brushcutter was held at the headquarters of the Confcommercio of Arezzo (legislative reference art. 37,…
In October the road education course started again, held by an operator of the Association in the premises made available by the parish of San Marco alla Sella…
To get a picture of what are the timescales related to the handling of bureaucratic formalities for guests who request international protection, we have developed this chart that allows us…
At the first reception facility in Ponte Buriano (AR), bread-making began. Every Wednesday a baker comes to make bread in the oven that we have restored and which…
With the month of September, the L2 Italian courses organized by our Association in Ponte Buriano and in the premises made available by the parish of San Marco alla…
On Monday 1st October 2018, eighteen new guests were welcomed in our first reception facility in Ponte Buriano, 6 (AR). And this is the first of the news that the…
Giovedì 11 Ottobre, alle ore 21.30 presso il Circolo Aurora in Piazza Sant'Agostino ad Arezzo, Alessandro Papalini, presidente di Libera Mente APS, interverrà nel corso di Amnesty Talks: pratiche…
4/09/2018 - Extraordinary maintenance work on the official itineraries between Ponte Buriano and the cycle/pedestrian walkway that leads to Monte Sopra Rondine by means of brush cutters. Guests involved Tijani…
6/09/2018 - Intervention with brush cutters and hedge trimmers on the green areas in front of the former school. Guests involved Emmanuel, Tijani, Martins. 13/09/2018 - Cleaned and trimmed the…
August 9 - Intervention with hedge cutter, grass cutter and brush cutter at the park in front of the shopping center. Guests involved Appiah, Kofi, Emmanuel. August 16 - Intervention…
7/08/2018 - Extraordinary maintenance with the brush cutters of the official itineraries between Ponte Buriano and the cycle and pedestrian walkway that leads to Monte Sopra Rondine; guests involved Appiah…
July 10 - Intervention with brushcutters on the road that starts from the monument (Castelluccio Alta) up to the old school. Guests involved Emmanuel, Tijani, Martins. July 12 - Intervention…
3/07/2018 - Reopened with brushcutters stretch of path in the Gerda area; guests involved Emmanuel, Tijani, Appiah, Martins. 17/07/2018 - Restored, with the aid of a tractor with a forage…
6 June - Support activities for the Polisportiva: we cleaned up portions of the sports field with the brushcutters. Guests involved Lesly, Tijani, Emmanuel, Martins. June 7th - Cleaning intervention…
26/06/2018 - Cleaned with brushcutters parking area and parking near Ponte Buriano; guests involved Kofi Clifford and Appiah Richmond.
Voluntary activities aimed at the care of public greenery, carried out during the month of May 2018 in the district of Castelluccio, Capolona.
10/04/2018 - Cleaned up with brushcutter in the reserve area near the bridge, guests involved Appiah Tijani Martins Kofi 17/04/2018 - Cleaned up with brushcutter in the reserve area near…
5/04/2018 - Cleaned up garden behind the shopping centre, guests involved Kofi Tijani Appiah and Lesly 12/04/2018 - Cleaned monuments and hedge seedlings, guests involved Emmanuel Appiah Martins and Lesly…
Libera Mente APS is sponsor of the Love Film Festival! Love Film Festival was born in 2014 in Perugia, from the Perugia Love Film cultural association, with the aim…
03/15/2018: Continued cleaning of weeds around old trees. 20/03/2018: Cleaning activities with chainsaws and various tools, freed old trees from weeds. 27/03/2018: Cleaning activities with chainsaws and various tools, freed…
22/03/2018: Cut grass of the park in front of the shopping centre and flowerbed in front of the school and adjacent sidewalks. 29/03/2018: The long sidewalk that starts from the…
Among the various services offered by the Association to guests in reception, there is also the help and mediation service in opening a bank account with a prepaid…